26.05.2011, 19:02Lektura na 1 minutę

Street Fighter X Tekken: Trzeci Pokemon do kolekcji [WIDEO]

Trzeci filmik z serii: "Co to za Pokemon", tyle że w wydaniu Street Fighter X Tekken trafił do sieci. Zdradzono już w ten sposób obecność Cammy i Sagata - na kogo padło tym razem? Podpowiem, że to wreszcie ktoś z Tekkena.


Oto i zgadywanka:

I tak, to jest Julia z Tekkena 3!


Everybody wants to be a Master — everybody wants to show their skill. Everybody wants to get there faster, make their way to the top of the hill. Each time you try you're gonna get just a little bit better. Each day we climb one more step up the ladder. It's a whole new world we live in — it's a whole new way to see. It's a whole new place, with a brand new attitude. But you've still gotta catch 'em all... And be the best that you can be!




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