26.07.2012, 10:17Lektura na 1 minutę

"Practical Problems", czyli Source FilmMaker profesjonalnie [WIDEO]

James McVinnie, projektant filmów zatrudniony w BioWare, uwielbia Team Fortress 2. Filmik "Practical Problems" miał zamiar zrobić od dawna, ale dopiero kiedy oficjalnie wypuszczono Source FilmMaker rzeczywiście wziął się do roboty. Zajęło mu to 130 godzin, ale efekt - jak na pracę tylko jednego człowieka! - jest niesamowity.


"Practical Problems" sapera z Team Fortress 2:


Everybody wants to be a Master — everybody wants to show their skill. Everybody wants to get there faster, make their way to the top of the hill. Each time you try you're gonna get just a little bit better. Each day we climb one more step up the ladder. It's a whole new world we live in — it's a whole new way to see. It's a whole new place, with a brand new attitude. But you've still gotta catch 'em all... And be the best that you can be!




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